Sunday, February 14, 2010

Type of fishing methods

Type of fishing methods

If you're not familiar with fishing you might think that all fishing is the same. There are actually several different types of fishing. Read on for more information about types of fishing.

Fly Fishing

Fly-fishing is used to catch fish like trout and salmon, as well as pike, bass and carp.

Artificial flies are used to catch fish. They are made from hair, fur or feathers. These are tied to a hook with thread. They are designed to imitate insects and other prey to fool the fish. The fly lines are usually plastic-coated, which gives them enough weight to reach the intended target. The artificial flies are in proportion to the line, rod and reel that is used - the heavier the fly, the larger the reel and rod.

To angle effectively, the rod is held in the dominant hand (the one that you use to write), and the other hand is used to work the line out gradually to create momentum.

To fish in cold waters, anglers wear waders (chest high boots), which allows them to wade out to a good distance. They also give good grip if you plan to try your hand at fishing on rocky riverbeds, which are often very slimy. The feet are made from neoprene, which will keep your feet warm and dry (this is vital if the water is especially cold!), and offers padding to cushion you if you slip over. They are also less likely to perforate.

Alternatively, some waders are made from Gore-Tex, which allows ventilation whilst you're wading through the water. However, they don't allow you to float very well if you slip or fall over in the water. If the water is particularly deep, an inflatable Personal Flotation Device (PFD) or Type III Kayak fishing vent offers additional safety.

Freshwater Fishing

Freshwater fishing is used to catch fish like trout. It's a good activity for the whole family, so why not introduce your children to it? If you do take the kids along, it's probably best to fish from the shore or on a boat, rather than in an estuary or on rocks. As well as being safer, it gives them more options if they choose to take up fishing later in life.

Sea Angling
Sea angling is one of the more popular forms of fishing. The National Federation of Sea Anglers (NFSA) estimates that as many as one million people take part in sea angling in the UK every year.

As the name suggests, a lot of sea angling takes place off a boat (into the sea), but it can also be done in estuaries, on piers and rocks. Most sea anglers do so for leisure purposes, but there is the option to take part in competitions and open matches. If you're really good, you can also compete at international level. The World Boat Championships are held every year, pitting the very best sea anglers from up to eighteen countries against one another.

Futher suggestions:

There are many more types of fishing than this, but these are three of the main types done in the UK. Whatever type of fishing that you choose, make sure that everyone wears a life jacket. If you've followed the clothing advice on our 'Fishing Clothing' article, you'll be too heavy to swim if you accidentally fall in, so this is essential

There are many different type of fishing for the sports enthusiast to choose from. These include fishing line fishing, hand fishing, bow fishing, dredging, kite fishing, and ice fishing.

Fishing line fishing, also referred to as angling, is the most common form of fishing for hobbyists in the United States. In this type of fishing, the fisherman uses a fishing rod, which holds a fishing line with a hook on the end. The fisherman attempts to get the fish to bite the hook by placing lures near the hook or by placing live bait on the hook.

Trolling is a form of fishing line fishing that involves drawing the fishing lure through the water in order to attract fish.

This method is often used when fishing for big game fish such as marlin and tuna. Another variation is long line fishing, which includes hundreds or thousands of baited hooks on one fishing line. This technique is most commonly used in commercial fishing.

Hand fishing is a form of fishing that involves using the hands, although hand line fishing also falls under this category.

With hand line fishing, a fishing line containing weights and a lure may also be used. True hand fishing is typically used in lobster diving and pearl diving. When hand fishing is used to fish for catfish in the United States, it is referred to as noodling. When used to catch trout in the British Isles, it is called trout tickling.

Bow fishing involves using a bow and standing above the water to shoot the fish. It is similar to a more primitive form of fishing, which involves spearing the fish from above.

Ancient spears were powered entirely by hand, but modern fishermen sometimes use spear guns to help power the spear, making it move more quickly and work more efficiently.

With dredging, the fisherman tows a chain mesh behind a fishing boat in order to scoop up sea life from the seabed. This form of fishing is typically used to catch oysters and scallops.

Kite fishing, on the other hand, involves attaching the fishing line to a kite in order to catch fish. This method is used by fishermen without boats who wish to fish in waters they cannot otherwise reach. It can also be used to fish in areas where a boat cannot safely navigate.

Fishing net fishing.
There are also fishing nets that fishermen drop into the sea. The nets can be varying length and have cork structures attached to the top of the net so the whole net does not sink to the bottom. The net stays vertically put in the sea, and any fish passing through will get caught.

The nets are left in place for six to eight hours, and then they are pulled out, usually in early morning hours, with hopefully a good catch. The size of the openings in the net will determine what size of fish can be caught.

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